Friday, June 28, 2013


I've just been thinking about a few things and wanted to get them down. I only have 2 warnings in my patriarchal blessing, and one is about raising my children so they can conquer Satan. For the past few months, and especially the lat day or two, I've been especially aware of my responsibility to do so, and have been second guessing my ability. Liz will need to be so much stronger than I am. Its likely I'm just being over dramatic about the recent SCOTUS ruling, but I'm feeling increasingly isolated from the world in terms of my beliefs. And things will only be worse for Liz. I know she has the capacity to be better than me, and I know Heavenly Father knows what she needs. I just need to make myself a good enough medium for God to work in so he can help her.

Bottom line here: FHE and scripture study.

Monday, June 24, 2013

getting my motivation back

So, that cold really knocked me for a loop. It was one of the worst I've had in years; I was so tired all the time. This last week has been better, though and I'm trying to regain my stripped motivation.

I have yet to find anything constructive to do in the evenings. But a way to get a new computer has presented itself. Aaron is going back to school, and we are pushing to get everything done so he's ready for fall. Since all his classes will be online, we can use some of his financial aid to buy a new computer. So, we will both be able to benefit.

We have also been getting down to brass tacks about our next child. I'm making an appointment today to have my birth control removed sometime this summer. I doubt I will get pregnant right off the bat, but it may happen and I really dont want to get pregnant at this weight. Giving myself a concrete and impactful deadline for weight loss will hopefully be the motivation i need.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

up after crazy week. vent

Up 2 lbs this week. It all started with Memorial Day. I had a hard time turning off the "i can eat anything" switch on Tuesday. Back to normal for a day.Then Thursday i find out that our $100 fix for our broken computer didn't fix anything. The only thing that would make me feel better was a plate of pasta, apparently. Friday was setup for the YW garage sale and i took Liz to the hospital for a high fever. Home at midnight, up at 5 to get donuts and work in the sun all day. Tired and apathetic  until now....that I'm sick with a cold. Just a crappy week overall.

The computer being dead is a bigger problem than i had anticipated. The two things i do at night while Aaron is at work and Liz is asleep are computer based: indexing genealogical records and working on a party supply etsy store. Now both are off the table until we can afford a new computer next year. I hate to complain about free time, but i want to do something constructive, and now I'm floundering. I have some thinking and praying to do.

Monday, May 27, 2013


Down 2 lbs. this week. Today (memorial day) is going to be bad. Food and social situations are a bad mix. On the plus side, I didn't eat those plastic cookies, or their real counterpart, last week :-).

Friday, May 24, 2013

one dozen cookies, please

You know you're in trouble when the sight of your daughter's plastic cookies send you into a ridiculous craving for the real thing.

Monday, May 20, 2013


Down 3.5 lbs today. :-) Having a theoretical "end date" for my diet has helped thus far. Its been easier to turn down pasta and home-made cookies when you know its only a matter of 3 weeks before you can eat them again.

Exercise has been nonexistent. I was gone every night last week; a rarity. I feel stupid exercising in front of anyone else at this point, so this week ill take the open evenings to do so.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Ugg. Ive been gaining and loosing the same 3 lbs over and over, so its time for something more drastic:a 30 day challenge. Ill start right after i eat some of Aarons bday cake for breakfast :-). Exercise via the recent post by Alli on Pinterest, food via eat to live, with some mods; ie, lean animal protien. See you next monday.
P.s. potty training sucks, and our computer is broken :-(